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3-DAY Self-make-u

Do you want to be able to makeup yourself as a real professional but you don’t have enough practice?
This course is for you!


Preparation and materials:

Selection of suitable materials - brushes, make-up, auxiliary accessories.
Material care and hygiene.
Facial care and preparation.
Determining the specifics of the skin and facial features.
Types of makeup bases.
Selection of appropriate tones and shades according to the individual characteristics.
Quality make-up removal.
Answering questions and asking homework.
Sculpting makeup - demonstration of the mentor
Palette and range of tones.
Concealment of imperfections.
Contouring and sculpting.
Emphasizing eyebrows.
Fixing and maintenance.
Answering questions and homework.


Daily make-up - demonstration of the mentor
Delicate concealment of imperfections.
A refreshing look with inconspicuous make-up and highlighting the benefits.
Easy tricks for quick makeup.
Techniques for enlargement and depth of the eyes.
Colorful combinations of shadows and lipstick. Daily eyeliner. Accents.
Fixing and maintenance.

Evening make-up - demonstration of the mentor
Aesthetics and trends.
Classic make-up with a transition to smoky make-up.
Accents and effects.
Applying mascara and eyelashes. Error correction.
Highlighter. Fixing and maintenance.
Answering questions and homework.


Practice of the students together with the mentor.
Skin preparation.
Applying a basic foundation for makeup.
Day or evening make-up of choice.
The products and the colors are according to the preferences of the student and his personal gifts.
Answering questions and homework.

Issuance of a certificate and invoice follows.

3-day self-make-up course 

11 AM to 04 PM с кратка обедна почивка

Price:  BGN 300 

За самостоятелно организирана група от над 2-ма:  х 250лв.

For more information:

+359896689474  > Miloslava Naidenova

+359886100253  > Galina Koleva